a) Organize communities into strong farmer organizations and cooperatives.
b) Capacity building of smallholder farmers in collective marketing and value addition.
c) Provision of business development services, to the smallholder farmers by channeling them through their farmer organizations.
d) Provide sustainable agriculture training and technologies to the target beneficiaries.
e) Promotion of school feeding programs among the beneficiary primary schools.
f) Promotion of urban farming technologies.
g) Awareness creation on climate change impacts and adaptation through:
What we have achieved so far:
318 functional Farmer organizations and 8 cooperatives have been established.
Over 38,160 smallholder farmers have benefited from collective marketing by selling produce worth UGX. 5,239,398,640 per year.
75% of the farmer organizations have a formal memorandum of understanding with strong off-takers that have the required capacity to guarantee meaningful prices and market. These also provide credit services to the smallholder farmers and so far they have accessed financial resources to a tune of over UGX. 549,950,000.
Over 106,000 women and 44,000 youth have been supported to engage in income-generating activities such as apiary, piggery, horticulture, and goat rearing.
Over 17,284 learners in 16 Primary schools have acquired knowledge of good agronomic practices through the school feeding programme.
17,925 Households have been enrolled in VSLAs-Village Savings and Loan Associations.
257,426 trees planted for climate change and over (Rakai, Kyotera, Wakiso, Yumbe/BidiBidi, Soroti, Karamoja).