Community Driven Support to Orphans Project

Community Driven Support to Orphans Project
W ith more than 75 percent of her population below 30 years of age, Uganda has one of the youngest population in the world. Despite this however, a very big majority of the youth are unemployed. This is the background to this project which we are implementing in Soroti District.
Since 2018, Community Integrated Development Initiatives (CIDI) has been in collaboration with Danish Broadcasting Cooperation through Caritas Denmark implementing the “Community Driven Support to Orphans project in the sub-counties of Gweri, Arapai and Tubur of Soroti district, north eastern Uganda.
This project has been implemented to support three youth associations: Awoja Youth Association in Gweri Sub County, Alakaros Youth Integrated Development Association in Arapai Sub County, and Acuna Ajaku Youth Association in Tubur Sub County.
In this publication we share our experiences, key lessons and some of the youth testimonies on how this project has transformed the lives of youth in the target sub counties. I take this opportunity to thank our partners Caritas Denmark for their financial and material support towards the implementation of this project. I also appreciate the Soroti District leadership, all other like minded development partners with in sort District, the community members and all our supporters for contributing towards the implementation of this project. Your generosity and support is what gives these young men and women in the sub-counties of Gweri, Arapai and Tubur of Soroti district the resources and skills they need and open doors for the next generation. You truly make the difference for us, and we are extremely grateful!
Yours sincerely
Dr. Jjuuko Fulgensio
Executive Director CIDI
CDSO Documentation - Final
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