Rural Wash

CIDI’s rural WASH initiatives

Besides urban WASH, CIDI undertakes wash initiatives in the rural areas / districts of Napak, Katakwi, Amuria and Buliisa. CIDI wash interventions in the rural areas have benefited over 15,000 People.

The initiatives and the activities undertaken in the rural communities include:

  • Mobilization and sensitization of communities on sanitation related aspect

Key achievements

  • CIDI has contributed to increased awareness about water and sanitation related aspects in schools and communities. Over 100,308 community members and school children have been sensitized about improved sanitation and hygiene practices.
  • CIDI has contributed to increased accessibility to safe drinking water to about 404,000 people in the country.
  • Contributed to increased access to improved sanitation services in the country to over 204,300
  • Contributed to improved agricultural productivity in the districts of Napak, Katakwi and Amuria through support for establishment of Water for production facilities
  • The organisation has contributed to improved health through efficient and effective feacal sludge collection and transportation initiatives in the city. The service has to date benefited over 327 households and 68 institutions.
  • We have formed and empowered over 30 community advocacy committees with lobbying and advocacy skills.

Current projects

  1. Kawempe urban poor sanitation improvement project (KUPSIP) funded by African Water Facility through ADB; implemented in Kawempe division urban council.

  2. School water sanitation and hygiene project (SWASH); Funded by WaterAid Canada; Implemented in Lubaga division Urban Council-Kampala.

  3. Kampala urban water, sanitation and environmental management project (KUWASEM) funded by Misereor; implemented in Lubaga division Urban Council

  4. Water and sanitation project for drought mitigation in Karamoja region (WASHDROM11) funded by Misereor; implemented in Katakwi, Amuria and Napak districts.