It is with great honor that I present to you the CIDI 2018 Annual report. This report shows the different programmes, projects and activities implemented in the year 2018. It highlights the main achievements, challenges, as well as the lessons learned, over the period January through December 2018. CIDI’s direction is guided by the fi ve-year Strategic Plan (2016-2020). The year 2018 saw CIDI as an organization register a number of solid gains. Particularly important to us is that we were able to achieve over
88% of our set targets as per our overall assessment. This is in line with the overall organizational capacity assessment, the PULOCA capacity assessments have helped see the growth of CIDI in terms of its governance, operation and implementation of the various projects. This year we also ventured into new territories to support refugees working together with other partners in Bidibidi refugee settlement and education with the Literacy Achievement and Retention
Activity program funded by USAID. Apart from service delivery, we have played a key role in advocating for policy change and increased resource allocation in the area of agriculture and health at both national and district levels. We worked closely with members of parliament, and various parliamentary committees, with different civil society organizations and government agencies in the area of advocacy. For instance, we are actively championing policy change in the agricultural budgeting processes through the Uganda National Farmers Forum to which CIDI is chairing. On behalf of the management and staff, I appreciate the guidance and stewardship given to CIDI by our Board of Directors for their continuous wise counsel and direction to the organization’s growth and stability. Staff members and I have always depended on your support, and we pray that this goes on to ensure that we achieve our objectives collectively. We highly appreciate the support extended to us by our donors, especially Caritas Denmark, MISSERO, RTI, USAID, The African Water Facility (AWF) through the African Development Bank (ADB), Seniors Without Boarders (SwB),Civil Society for Development (CISU) in promoting our mission, by providing the much-needed resources and technical support that help advance our mission.