Urban Wash

Community Integrated Development Initiatives, CIDI was founded in 1996 and registered in 1999 as a legal not-for-profit NGO with the Ministry of Internal Affairs under registration certificate No. 2715 and Reference No. S-5914/2868.

CIDI’s Urban WASH interventions

CIDI undertakes urban WASH initiatives mainly within the 05 divisions of Kampala. The organisation is a member of the Kampala Urban Wash Forum,a forum which meets quarterly to deliberate on WASH initiatives within the city. CIDI undertakes urban wash closely in collaboration with UWASNET, Kampala Capital City Authority, National Water and Sewerage Corporation and other partners like Water for People,Netwas Uganda.

CIDI’s Urban WASH initiatives include:

  • Community mobilization and sensitization on WASH  related aspects through workshops and forum theater, radio talk show and designing wash promotional  IECS